How to hunt the "River Swamp"

by Will

I know that a lot of experienced hunters will say "duh", everybody knows this, but the fact is that although most hunters know this, they just don't apply it, so here it is, apply it and it will work for you. There are lots of critters to hunt in the Escambia River WMD of NW Fla.(and indeed many places as well). That said, you can hunt out there on any given day (or for an entire season) and not see a single thing. How so? Critters in the swamp are very aware of intrusion by hunters. The swamp is similar to a bowl and sound travels across it for an incredible distance. To see animals in the swamp, ya gotta think "Stealth". Be very quiet going in (I call it slipping in). Be very quiet moving around, and most important of all, keep movement to a minimum. (It's a lot harder to do than you think). If you spook one critter and he runs off, he's alerting everything around the area that danger is approaching. The solution, Find a spot you like and hunker down. Just when you think there's nothing there, bam there's something there. One of the best pieces of equipment you can drag into the swamp, just might be a small stool. Set it down and have a seat, you will be amazed at how much game is around you if you just sit still. I had to learn this the hard way, from many years and many miles in the swamp. One more thing about movement. Nothing, and I mean nothing moves through the woods like a human, were too fast, too noisy and we look out of place when we move. Change that and you change everything.

Comments for How to hunt the "River Swamp"

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Nov 27, 2014
Sage Advice
by: Kenny Presnell

Will . . . that is really good advice for all hunters. Thank you for sharing.

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